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The most dangerous fruit in the world explodes when ripe

Author:佚名 | Comefrom:转载 | AddTime:Jul-19-2017

There is a magical world of plants, fruit and watermelon is very similar, just like the watermelon hanging in the trees, fruit ripening will burst, its ability to be killed the bird maimed, very risk, so called "iron watermelon" or "bomb tree".
This iron Watermelon Growth in the Amazon River Basin of South America, is known as the "watermelon", but can not eat, because the trees secrete juices containing large amounts of hydrocarbons that can extinguish a fire, if close, this tree can become a bomb, so the local people take the sap as gasoline is used magic.
The fruit of the iron watermelon is very hard, harder than the coconut shell. If it explodes, it will be comparable to a grenade. When ripe, the fruit will explode, with sharp debris can easily kill the bird, so near the bomb tree is often the dead bird, people will see a detour.
The world is really feeling the Nothing is too strange., rich and exotic species on the earth! Have you ever seen a magical tree, or have you eaten any exotic fruit? .