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China has the potential to become the main market of avocado

Author:unknow | Comefrom:reprint | AddTime:Apr-26-2016

Mexico 15 years ago began to export avocado to Japan, make it become one of Asia's most developed market. With the progress of China's education and the implementation of customs clearance policy, The mature market of Japan has become the future of China's most promising market excellent template.

GreenFruit Avocados is shipping the avocado in the Asian market, the fruit is sold to Hongkong, Japan and China mainland, and part of them air to Singapore. Now they shipping the avocado to the main port such as Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, due to the rise of consumption, they are exploiting more market in Chin. Haas avocado is the only species sold to the mainland of China,which all planting and packaging in Mexico.

The appropriate environmental of transport process makes the fruit remain fresh green and hard when arriver the port. Chinese consumers tend to buy unripe avocado, so that they can have a few days to sell these products. Consumers have more love buy the avocado keep at home several days before eating.

In the next 10-15 years, if China's consumption level continues to increase and the avocado hot sale like in the United States, there may be a shortage of avocado supply. With the improvement of consumption, other countries also have potential to export avocado to Chinese market, Peru and Chile shortly before had been allowed to import, Columbia also in action and in the short term also has sufficient yield and quality, to support the export plan.